In the year 2020, humanity faces a dire crisis as Earth is invaded by mysterious monsters. To prepare for the onslaught, players enter the Labyrinth that has appeared, where they must choose between four difficulty levels: Easy Mode, where survival is almost guaranteed; Normal Mode, where survival requires effort; Hard Mode, where only 1% can survive; and Solo Mode, the ultimate challenge. Kang TaeSan, the most powerful player in Easy Mode, cleared the Labyrinth with an unconventional strategy, acquiring unique skills that others couldn’t: [Addition, Multiplication, Attack Nullification, Ultimate Judgement…]. However, because he chose Easy Mode, his power was insufficient. Unable to save humanity from extinction, he lay dying. But then, a miraculous opportunity arises.
“This time, I’ll become truly powerful.”
Reentering the Labyrinth, this is the story of Skill-based Player Kang TaeSan’s Solo Mode Conquest!